Monday, June 30, 2014

The Kindergarten Year Comes to an End

It was a wonderful year of kindergarten!  I think that we all enjoyed it very much!  They seemed especially motivated to learn and they sure learned a lot!

We got along so well too!  They had quite a few new experiences and their enthusiasm was rewarding.

I sure miss them and I'm looking forward to seeing them again!  Remember to review this summer and to have FUN! 

Great news!

The co-editor of Bird Watcher's Digest was at the SD Birding Festival.  He was very impressed with the kindergartners.  He came up to me afterwards and said, "That was amazing!"  Then he asked to do a story on us for the magazine, but we can't right now.  I told him that we could after the PBS show airs. 
When Kyle returned to Ohio, he told the founding publisher, Bill Thompson III, about the kids and he asked if he would like to donate one of the field guides that he wrote to each student.  He said that he absolutely would love to give each child one.  That was very generous!  How lucky they are! 
I will be getting them to you shortly.  I emailed a thank you to Bill telling him that I'm sure the kids will use the field guides and that they will be thrilled to have one of their very own.


The kids were amazing at identifying birds!  They actually were generating their own learning by asking a lot of questions about what they were finding in the field guides at the bird center.  I am so proud of them!

A Tall Tower

The kids loved building towers with Duplos!  The higher the better!

Some Summer Plans

I can't believe it is the end of June already!  Time is really flying by!  I am looking back at cute photos of the kids to see what else I'd like to add before closing this out.  In May, I gave them time to create a poster, drawing what their summer plans were.